All Time High at Hilltop High!

Our Hilltop Road Adult Literacy Class reached an all-time high in May as they embarked on their first excursion.

The adult literacy learners are from the Hilltop Road Community Centre in Sydney, run by Catherine Gregory, The Community Liaison Officer at Hilltop Road Public School, where Mercy Connect provides volunteers to support students from refugee and asylum seeker background.

The Adult Literacy Classes empower their parents to learn English so they can help their children in their school and adapt to their new life in Australia.

“Well, I can truly say, Monday’s excursion was the highlight of my 17 years here at Hilltop Road!” says Catherine.

“Sherry (a Mercy Connect volunteer) opened her house to the Mums, and they didn’t want to leave!”

For most of our adult literacy learners, it was the first time they had been invited to an Aussie’s house or a house outside their own family. 

The smiles and chatter over lunch say it all! 

Best Foot Forward

Nothing makes Esther* happier than making clothes for others.

The 32-year-old asylum seeker from Papua New Guinea is a participant in Mercy Works partnership with the Romero Centre – Gateways To Employment for People Seeking Asylum – in Brisbane, which has so far helped 20 women and 17 men gain employment since last July.

There are many challenges facing people seeking asylum in Australia, including financial – which often leads to homelessness and destitution. Lack of employment also impacts on welfare, mental and physical health and children. Isolated, uncertain and frightened, it’s a complicated system to navigate.

For women like Esther, finding a job can be particularly difficult. Many come from a cultural background where paid employment for women is not widely available. And many, particularly those from PNG, are fleeing domestic violence and have sole child caring responsibilities – an additional barrier. Others have lived in detention for a prolonged period and 70% of participants have flashbacks from trauma they have experienced.

Which is why we are so proud to help women like Esther safely enter the workforce.

After approaching The Romero Centre for support last October, she was able to apply for a protection visa and was granted a bridging visa with work rights.

It was during this three-month process Esther engaged in several workshops under the Mercy Works partnership program including a workshop with Mater Hospital for Workplace Health and Covid 19 Protocols; a workshop with MCW Lawyers for Safety and Employment Rights and Obligations; Group ESL and individual tutorials and a cultural mentoring workshop as well as an excursion with her peers. She also attended a workplace group visit in a café and undertook a trial shift.

But it was not the right fit.

So, with Mercy Works support, she decided to focus on what she loves to do: Sewing!

Esther began applying for tailoring jobs, as she had some experience in that field. “Sewing clothes is my natural gift,” she says. “Nothing makes me happier than making clothes for others.”

Once her work rights arrived, she applied for five tailoring jobs and was invited to two job interviews, ultimately receiving a job offer as a commercial tailor.

“With her skills, passion and help of Romero Centre staff, she started her dream job not even three weeks from the day she was granted work permission to work in Australia!” says Misha Emingerova, a case worker at Romero.

With a regular income, Esther will now be able to continue her settlement in Australia and support her family back home financially.

“She is now onto her next step – obtaining a Queensland drivers licence!” says Misha proudly.

This empowering project is seeing fantastic results. It supports asylum seekers from over 40 cultural groups, with a particular focus on women, to gain work experience and employment and to address the barriers they face from a lack of English language skills, resources and networks. Pathways to employment are strengthened by linking participants to real-world employers within our Mercy Partners and business association networks.

Home and Heartland

For thousands of years Raukkan, 80 kilometres southeast of Adelaide, was an important meeting place for the Ngarrindjeri people. It is the home and heartland of Ngarrindjeri country, a place with a deep and scarred history.

Our Yartangka Tirkanthi Camp headed to Point Pearce to learn on country
Our Yartangka Tirkanthi Camp headed to Point Pearce to learn on country

It was here, in the 1800’s, a starving explorer Charles Sturt was fed by Aboriginal clans and the Point McLeay Mission was established. From here some of the first Aboriginal men to enlist in World War 1 came, and, here, a generation of Aboriginal children were stolen.

Raukkan also appears on our Australian fifty dollar note, with Ngarrindjeri man David Unaipon, Australia’s first published Aboriginal author, born at Point McLeay Mission.

So it is more than fitting that this year’s Kura Yerlo ‘Yartangka Tirkanthi’ camp, supported by Mercy Works, saw 10 boys and girls visit the sacred area for an overnight camp to reconnect to country. They made a fire, toasted marshmallows and were welcomed by Uncle Bobo.

“I can’t explain how happy this makes me feel, or even the feeling of bringing our own mobs together to connect. It gives me so much joy knowing one day they will come back and say, ‘I remember this fella once did this tour’,” said Uncle Bobo.

Kura Yerlo hopes to give young people access to cultural and language opportunities away from metropolitan Adelaide.

“We hope to build a sense of pride in identity, belonging and resilience and that the trips will be a vehicle for healing,” says Claire Fleckner from Kura Yerlo.

Aunty Betty teaches basket weaving to Aboriginal youth connecting with their culture

“Reconnecting with local elders will create an opportunity for the ongoing survival of Indigenous culture and pride in heritage. This process honours the potential of our young people to one day become new Elders, passing on their knowledge of language and culture and ensuring the survival of traditional skills.”

Jayla, 13, (pictured below) enjoyed engaging with her Aboriginal heritage. She has since developed a renewed interest in her culture and developed an interest in basket weaving from Aunty Betty Sumner.

Aunty Betty creates elaborate mats. “The closest thing to my ancestors is my weaving, especially when I go to stand on my mat. I feel what my ancestors felt. I weave my identity within it. When you first start it it’s like the umbilical cord. Like the umbilical cord of life.”

By reconnecting with local elders, hearing their stories, learning their skills, Jayla says she hopes to spend more time on country as well as participate in a “girl’s group” facilitated by an Elder at the school.



Josepha’s Joy

Josepha, a 76-year-old widow, lives in Simbu Province in Papua New Guinea.

When her husband died, she became the breadwinner of her household, providing for her three children who were very young, sending them to school, looking after their basic necessities and meeting their traditional obligations.
Photo: Josepha (right) is a widow who has had economic success through our micro-finance activities in Simbu

“Because of my outstanding contribution and hard work in raising a lot of pigs, saving thousands of kina and producing sufficient food supply and meeting all customary obligations, the clan leaders in my clan acknowledged my efforts, time and commitment and told me to rest, not to work hard anymore; and wait to die,” Josepha says.

She obeyed. But she was left vulnerable, impoverished and malnourished.
“I had no other plan in life. My house and garden were covered with bushes. Nobody in the village, even my in-laws and my grandchildren [were] coming to my need, I was hungry, I had no food, or money or even no clothes to wear. It was sad that I sometimes go to bed without having any food.”
The one Sunday in July 2022, Josepha went to church and heard about Mercy Works 30-kina (A$13) project. Thanks to generosity of people like you, Josepha was able to join Mercy Works micro financing enterprise, the 30-Kina project, where she was given money on loan to purchase feed for her three ducks.
“Without any hesitation, I was given the money…One of my female ducks laid a total of eighteen eggs and nine eggs hatched into a total of nine ducklings. I was happy that I sold five ducklings for twenty kina each, earning a total of one hundred kina (A$?).
After two weeks, she returned her thirty kina back to Mercy Works.
“I learned that just sitting down and lazing around doing nothing was over. I was motivated to join others to prepare cassava lunch, mushroom farming, training children about traditional values on Saturdays and participating in Leave No One Behind Village Savings and Loans Association (LNB-VSLA).”
The LNB-VSLA is an extension of the 30-Kina project whereby participants are given start-up capital to engage in an income generating activity of their choice. Once earning a regular income, the participant is encouraged to join a ‘Leave No One Behind Savings and Loan Association’ group – which are self-managed groups where members meet fortnightly to save their money in a safe box and access small loans from their own groups savings. You can read more about our LNB – VSLA’s here.
Josepha is one of the three key holders for her group’s lockbox.
A ‘Leave No One Behind’ VSLA lockbox
“I underestimated my resilience and inner strength to contribute meaningfully to the lives of others and to help sustain my own well-being.
I felt that I was too old to do anything and am done with my life. But that concept of mine was not approved by Mercy Works. Mercy Works believes in me, convincing me that start believe in myself and the potential I have in me.”
Josepha says she now sees Mercy Works as a “light house for my life”.
“Mercy Works has given me new hope and direction in my life. I am amazed that I feel young at heart. I planted taro, beans, cassava and sweet potato.
“I have money, food, a new garden and the number of my ducks increased to forty-five. I contribute with the rest of the LNB – VSLA members, purchasing one to five shares every two weeks.
“At the end of every month, we conduct loans meeting, [and it’s] time to repay loans and give loans to new members.”
Josepha says before Mercy Works she was feeling and behaving like “an old woman’.
But now, she has meaning and purpose.
“I particularly like about Mercy Works strength in mobilizing people and community power within to drive their own development agenda. Mercy Works gives hope to both young and old, rich and poor.
Women in Simbu, PNG, who are reaping the benefits of Mercy Works ‘Leave No One Behind’ economic enterprise activities.


Simbu Project Coordinator, Sr Maryanne Kolkia RSM, and Mercy Works Executive Director, Sr Sally Bradley RSM, chat to Cycle members in PNG in February.
“With Mercy Works, I have a bright future, I am working with my grandchildren to live a meaningful life when I am gone and done with my life.
“I do appreciate Mercy Works program, it’s the best program for the people, with the people, by the people and for the people. I know that many lives will be changed with Mercy Works.”
This tax time, you can support more people like Josepha to educate them on how to better manage their livelihoods, resources and improve their well-being in a sustainable way to escape the cycle of poverty.

Donate now to transform the lives of people like Josepha.

Mercy Works NEEDS YOUR HELP to reach our goal of $10,000 for our micro-financing activities.

YOUR HELP WILL enable us to continue this LIFE-CHANGING work providing start up capital to groups who are then able to financially mobilise and empower themselves and break the cycle of poverty.

If any funds remain after we reach our goal, they will go to further support the participants in our Simbu Program in Papua New Guinea.

Economic Empowerment in PNG

It all started with an idea.

Having worked in PNG for 16 years, Sr Maryanne Kolkia RSM, our Project Coordinator in Simbu, saw the need for change.

Simbu may be a beautiful rugged mountainous area in the central highlands, but access to basic services such as education and health remains limited, especially in the remote areas. Domestic violence and sexual abuse against women and children is all too common, food is scarce and the cycle of poverty is hard to break.

“I was thinking there must be a way. And then it came to me: Financial mobilisation!”

Sr Maryanne Kolkia RSM has been working in PNG for 16 years.

Enter Sr Maryanne’s microfinancing initiative; the Leave No One Behind Village and Life Savings Association (LNB – VSLA) which is creating economic empowerment and improving the lives of the people of Simbu.

Essentially, the entrepreneurial capacity of individuals, families and communities is enhanced by promoting a saving culture and increasing access to credit to enable them to embark on income generating activities to sustain and improve their livelihoods. It is a collaborative effort taken by the local community towards financial freedom.

Sr Maryanne started the initiative with one group of 4 men and 11 women (Cycle 1). There are now 25 ‘Leave No One Behind’ groups of members in Simbu – with 30 members in each group, totalling 676 members – 627 of which are women – as well several different initiatives.

“Thinking big but starting small is the concept. And with the microfinancing we are looking at ways in which people can mobilise financially to achieve bigger dreams and a better life,” says Sr Maryanne.

“I believe every individual has the potential to excel that further. I believe in economic empowerment, and we are looking at the potential with the people that they will make a change.”

How it works: The ‘Piggy Bank’

Mercy Works gives a small loan as start-up capital of 30 Kina (A$13) to individuals who wish to help themselves. With that 30 Kina they are given two weeks to engage in some income generating activity of their choice.

After two weeks this money must be returned to Mercy Works so it can be passed on to another participant. Once they are earning a regular income, they are encouraged and invited to join a Leave No One Behind Savings and Loan Association group (LNB – VSLA).

Hereby a group will meet fortnightly and put their money into a money box. This stores the currency and groups equip their lockbox with a padlock and assign the keys to three members, all women. During transactions and meetings, all three key holders must be present in order to unlock the box.

Some members request a small loan from their group savings to be approved of the group’s members decide to share their earnings. This stimulates increased economic activity in the villages. This amount must be repaid back to the group’s money box within three months.

Representatives from the groups and clans are then able to show case their products, advertising and promoting each other’s products so they can buy and sell among themselves, as well as externally.

For example one woman was able to give K5,000 (A$2,175) to her husband to build their house. Another bought a mobile phone for her grandson. One clan raised K11,000 (A$4,800) from faming bulb onions. Another woman is selling woodwork at the local markets using the savings loan. Others make payments on loans they already have, with interest – typically.

At any time most of the groups saving are in circulation as loans.

Mercy Works also provides life skills and technical training, so people of all ages can start their own business. They receive training in baking, food processing, organic farming practices and financial management. This increases people’s access to and control over resources.

Mercy Works also helps identify the food chain – the supplier, retailer and consumer – linking businesses with the financial members of the VSLA.

In nine months, a total of 18 of these VLSA meetings were conducted. Out of the 25 groups, nine groups raised a total of K100,800.200 (A$43,800) which was distributed equally among members.

Of note is that 88% of participants in these SME’s are women – with all leadership roles being females as well. Pressure in these rural areas is often on women to meet the daily needs of themselves, their children, their family and others.

“The idea is to build up what you get and give back to reach out to others,” says Sr Maryanne. “This makes people feel loved and cared for. It promotes individual potential and boosts achieving personal ambitions. At the same time, working in collaboration promotes mutual trust, respect and reduces jealousy.

 “It has been well embraced by all. In the process of growth, development and maturity, it continues to open up, brings its fragrance forth and its goodness invites many to respond with excitement.”

Word of mouth has generated much interest in the Mercy Works initiative, with people in villages and clans taking their own initiative to mobilise and engage in development activities to contribute to their livelihoods.

Which is how Josepha, a widow and mother of three, who has turned her life around through the LNB – VSLA, first heard of the idea.

Read Josepha’s Joyful Journey here: “Mercy Works is a Lighthouse for my life”

Meet Khadija and Kerry..our Mercy Connect Student and Volunteer

It’s National Volunteer Week and we here at Mercy Connect know the impact volunteers can make.

We want you to meet Kerry, a volunteer with Mercy Connect for many years who volunteers at our Dandenong Library in Melbourne. She has been helping Khadija over the past year to attain her dream of becoming an Australian citizen.

Khadija is in her early 30’s and has been attending our Mercy Connect Adult Literacy Class in the Dandenong Library since the early days of the program in 2017. The morning she arrived, she had her sister and three nieces with her – all who had recently arrived in Australia.

All very keen to learn English, it was not long before we learnt that Khadija, who is unmarried, and two of her nieces lived together next door to her sister, husband and three other children. The nieces who joined us were in their mid to late teens. Too old for school and too young to be with us – because they had the ability to be in a formal education setting to progress to higher education. We were able to secure a placement for the three girls at St Joseph’s Flexible Learning Centre they were able to continue their education and complete their VCE Exam.

But this was not an option for Khadija.

Khadija’s education had never been a priority for the family. She continues to come to Mercy Connect Literacy Program alone and our volunteers say her smiling face coming through the door every week lights up the room. Khadija finds learning English difficult but that does not put her off. Every week she is determined to learn.

One Friday in the middle of last year she told us she was going to become an Australian Citizen and wanted to study the questions for the exam. This was a huge task for her. Every week Khadija and her Mercy Connect Volunteer Tutor, Kerry, would go through sets of questions and readings from the Citizenship Booklet, then testing what had been studied during their time together. Even Kerry acknowledged she learnt some facts and figures about Australia she had never heard of.

Two weeks before the end of term Khadija‘s smile was even bigger than before. She had done the exam and passed. She is now an Australian Citizen. And we are very proud.

What does the future look like for Khadija? As her English continues to improve she has many options open to her either as further study or in the workforce. She has worked hard and deserves to make great progress in her life. More importantly she developed a bond with her Mercy Connect Volunteer tutor making the world a better place.

At Mercy Works we believe there will always be a place for Mercy Connect to support people such as Khadija who would otherwise remain alone and disconnected from society.

“I love working with the adults as part of the Mercy Connect Program…I think it’s a really valuable program and hopefully Khadija is benefitting,” says Kerry.

We know she is.

Become a volunteer today with our Mercy Connect Team.

You can apply here by filling in the form online or downloading the PDF

Easter Message of ‘Light and Hope’

A message of ‘Light and Hope’ for this Easter Season from Executive Director, Sr Sally Bradley RSM

I have walked this path to Easter this year very conscious of my own recent visit to Papua New Guinea. It was an experience of moving from darkness to the light, passing on the Easter light, the light of the Risen Jesus.

Maria (our Overseas Program Manager) and I had the joy of visiting our Mercy Works projects in PNG for two weeks in February. We had not been able to visit since 2019, due to Covid.

All the challenges of life in PNG are still very real. Some are even heightened since the pandemic. Coming from a privileged lifestyle in Australia, I find these challenges very confronting! There is extreme poverty. Climate change is severe across the country and the poorest are impacted the most.  The access to connectivity by either phone or internet has worsened. Examples of corruption at the government level abound. Ensuing frustration is often bubbling just below the surface.  One of the consequences of the frustration and hopelessness is an escalation in violence.

While acknowledging all these challenges of life in PNG, I experienced hope and light. Whenever I visit PNG I am always touched by the warmth of the people, their deep faith, their strong sense of family and community, and the beauty of the countryside. We heard many uplifting Mercy Works stories. TheMercy Works program in Simbu aims to improve the living standards of vulnerable people by building skills and capacities to enable them to develop their own economic and social development. On reflection it was for me an experience of passing on the Easter light, a light which overcomes all darkness.

A key activity of our work in Simbu, is the Leave No One Behind project, a village savings and loan scheme. The local people begin initially with a small loan from Mercy Works of 30 kina (about $13 AUD) as start-up capital to engage in some income generating activity of their choice.  After two weeks this must be returned to Mercy Works so it can be passed on to another participant. Once they are earning a regular income, they are encouraged to join a Leave No One Behind savings and credit group. These groups are self-managed, and members meet fortnightly to save their money in a safe place and then access small loans from their group savings.  Mercy Works also provides life skills and technical training, so people of all ages can start their own business. They receive training in baking, food processing, organic farming practices and financial management. This increases people’s access to and control over resources.

The staff and the local people were so eager to share their good news stories with us as part of the Mercy Works program in Simbu, stories of light and hope. One morning we met in a hall with the women in Kundiawa. One woman stood up and proudly shared the story of how she was able to fix her car and now help others to transport their produce to sell at the markets.  Another woman told us that she was able to buy timber for her husband to build a new house, while another woman has started a poultry business.  A grandmother shared with us that she was able to buy a mobile phone for her grandson, while another has bought a fridge. One woman and her husband are building a small restaurant. She promised to invite all who were present to a free meal together to celebrate its opening. The women are growing in self-confidence and self-reliance as they develop their own livelihoods.

We constantly heard phrases such as – “We now see the light and we want to do more.” 

One afternoon we drove in the pouring rain up the steep mountain to the village of Gemboghl.  We gathered in a tin shed. About 70 villagers had travelled for hours on foot to meet with us. They displayed their produce, and each clan shared their stories. One very proud farmer shared his credit group’s achievements with us. He held up a jar of money – 11,000 kina (about $5,000 AUD). This money has been raised from farming bulb onions. Another woman shared the beautiful woodwork which her clan have made using their savings loan. They plan to sell it at the local markets.
One of the men summed it all up by saying – “Before Mercy Works we had no plans in our village, now we all contribute to our livelihood. We want to excel in what we are doing. We want to share the light.”

As I listened to these uplifting Mercy Works stories of hope and change, I was reminded of the service of light which is the powerful ceremony at the beginning of the Easter vigil. This begins in the dark as the Easter fire is lit outside. The large Easter candle is lit from this blazing fire and each person lights their own candle, passing on the light to each other. The darkness is gradually lit up. It is a moment of exuberant joy and thanksgiving.

The Leader proclaims – “Christ our Light.” We all respond – “Thanks be to God.”

As I listened to these stories in PNG, these words echoed in my own heart. So, I invite you this Easter to listen attentively for stories in your own life in which the Easter light of Christ is passed onto others. Stories of hope which lift your spirit … And in the words of Catherine McAuley, the founder of the Sisters of Mercy, I invite us all to “be shining lamps bringing light to all around us” this Easter. 

Sally Bradley RSM

Executive Director

Mercy Works

Harmony Day

Today on Harmony Day we are embracing and celebrating all that is wonderful about Australian multiculturalism.

At Mercy Works we are very proud that one of our newest partnerships – Gateways to Employment for People Seeking Asylum – with the Romero Centre in Brisbane where we are seeing some wonderful achievements.
This new project addresses major barriers to employment for some of the 3,000 people seeking asylum in Queensland, with a particular focus on women, many of whom are survivors of domestic violence or have lived in detention for a prolonged period.
The Centre provides services to a diverse range of people seeking asylum from over 40 cultural groups including Afghanistan, Iran, Nigeria, Syria, PNG, Somalia, China and Sri Lanka and the goal of this project is to increase the level of sustainable employment for people seeking asylum who face barriers such as English language skills, lack of resources, lack of networks and cultural context.
So far 11 of our participants have exceeded their own expectations by securing employment and are now able to be financially independent and socially connected. They are paying rent and utilities independently!
“This Mercy Works program is a vital project to Romero Centre to directly address destitution, dependent and social, employment and health issues surrounding people seeking asylum,” says a spokesperson from Romero.
The life-changing impact of gaining meaningful employment means access to income and therefore shelter, food, education and health care, as well as self-worth, human dignity and social connectedness.
This vital program is hoping to successfully integrate migrants into our community and this Harmony Day we can’t think of a better way to celebrate inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians, regardless of cultural or linguistic background and united by a set of core Australian values.

Closing the Gap

It’s National Close the Gap Day today – and we here at Mercy Works would like to acknowledge the ongoing strength and resilience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in sustaining the world’s oldest living cultures.

In December of 2021, the Mercy Works Adelaide First Nations Advocacy project – known as Nunga Babies Watch – called upon the South Australian Government for immediate action to end another Stolen Generation from happening.

One action of the 20-point statement said: “We demand an end to the arbitrary taking of our children and their placement in non-indigenous settings

“We are strongly and irrevocably opposed to the adoption of our children from non-kinship, out-of-home, residential care and/ or foster care. We do not want ‘assimilation’ of our children to continue, nor do we want a silent continuation of the Stolen Generation,” said the statement.

“The DCP has to be held accountable for its decisions in the taking away of our children. If an Aboriginal child can’t stay with their mother, follow the mother’s bloodline and you’ll find some-one who can look after that child.”

The Statement was presented by Ngadjuri woman Aunty Pat Waria-Read and members of the Nunga Babies Watch in partnership with the Grannies Group (respected Elders in the community) to South Australian Parliament House in December 2021. For over a year there was little response.

Members of the Nunga Babies Watch and Grannies Group Julie Toyama, Louise Davies, Jean Pinkie, Dorothy Young, Diana Grose, Pat Waria-Read, with SA Best MLC Connie Bonaros in November 2021

As the months ticked on, Aunty Pat and the Nunga Babies Watch team watched as Aboriginal men, women and children continued to be incarcerated at such a disproportionately high rate that Australia, according to the National Suicide Prevention and Trauma Recovery Project 202, ‘owns a humanitarian crisis as the mother of jailers of its First People.’

In November NBW attended the ‘Have your say on SA’s child protection legislation and proposed 17 amendments to the legislation.

Christmas did not slow the rate at which Aboriginal children were taken by the Department for Child Protection.

On February 21, Connie Bonaros, Member of the Legislative Council of South Australia, delivered a speech by Aunty Pat to SA Parliament House reading Auntie Pat’s words from the heart, with understanding and compassion.

Here is the statement:

“Before settlement Aboriginal people had a voice, an ancient voice. Our voice has travelled through time, from the beginning.

Our Elders guide us with their wisdom and stories. 

Our voice makes a difference!

But today our voice is not heard, we are not listened to, we are silenced.

The Voice in Government can stop on-going trauma, judgemental and racist behaviour towards our Aboriginal families and communities.

Our voice can stop our families and communities from being punished, keep our children from the juvenile justice system, the Department for Child Protection, out of prison and stop our unborn babies from being ‘red flagged’ and then taken.

Our voice can ensure our children remain with family, community and stay connected to culture. Keeping our children linked to their culture gives us hope for our future. Ourchildrenlie at the heart of who we are.

Our voice is our community. Our voice strengthens, heals and builds resilience in support of our health, safety and wellbeing.

The Voice in Government will be the voice of our communities,families and children.

The Voice will ensure the voices of our Aboriginal nations in SA are heard.

Our voice will be heard not silenced.”

NBW would like to acknowledge Connie’s enduring support over many years and collaboration with Auntie Pat in preparation and delivery of this speech. In addition, we thank Connie, Jody (Senior Advisor) and Tina, for their ongoing commitment to enable the authentic voice of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to be heard.

Included in the original NBW submissions made to parliament on the Taking of Aboriginal Children was the call for:

– an Independent Aboriginal Controlled Child Care Agency, and
– an Aboriginal panel to review decisions taken by the Department of Child Protection (DCP).

Mercy Works partnership with this project came about after Aunty Pat, a former chaplain for the Department of Correctional Services, saw first-hand the DCP taking children away from their mothers while they are in hospital, or as soon as they are in jail, often presenting them with an order to take their children into residential care until they are 18 without being informed they have a right to a lawyer.

Mercy Works is proud to partner with this project, along with our other four First Nations Projects, to work in partnership towards Closing The Gap and breaking the cycle. You can read the full statement here:



Dhiel’s Destiny

Dhiel Yen, a young mum who is the beneficiary of a Mercy Works Tertiary Scholarship Program, believes she was always destined to work with children and adults with a disability.

Currently volunteering with Callan Service for the Disabled, Dhiel, 26, is hoping to secure a future in a paid position as a Community Health Worker.

Dhiel Yen, a beneficiary of the Mercy Works Tertiary Scholarship program, has found her destiny

When she was a baby, a local woman with a disability, who she grew to love very much, minded her while her mother worked full time as a schoolteacher.

“I think I enjoy working with children and adults who have special needs because of my own story,” Dhiel says. “I really enjoy the work. Some people have Down syndrome, learning difficulties, blindness and cerebral palsy and I assist them with physical exercises.

“They so often laugh and are very happy people! I especially enjoy visiting the homes of those who cannot go out. Often family members are really shy about their loved one’s special needs. If the person is bored at home, I play them a movie on my mobile phone and sometimes I assist the teacher with the children in the classrooms.”

Dhiel attended St Gabriel’s Technical Secondary School in Kiunga and completed Year 12 before applying for a scholarship to study to be a Community Health Worker at Rumginae Tertiary College on the advice of Mercy Works Kiunga Coordinator, Steven Dude. She proudly graduated in 2022 and is currently waiting to receive her licence.

One boy, who is blind that comes to Callan Services, has especially capture her heart. The boy’s grandfather looks after him as his mother died and his father left, taking his twin abled sister with him.

“He loves singing, and given that he cannot see, I find it amazing that he can catch a ball! His sense of hearing often compensates for his lack of sight.”