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UN Refugee Agency: Strengthening Relationships for Impactful Change

On Friday, 30 August 2024, Mercy Works met with key representatives from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Canberra. Sally Bradley rsm, Mercy Works executive director, (pictured right), and Farid Ghalib, Mercy Works refugee project senior coordinator (left), engaged in a productive discussion with Karen Gulick, UNHCR deputy representative for Australia, New Zealand, PNG, and the Pacific, (second from right) and Emily Chipman, UNHCR Senior Durable Solution Officer (second from left).

Sally briefed UNHCR on the plight of the West Papuan refugees, living in the Western Province of Papua New Guinea, highlighting their critical need for assistance. One of the most marginalised and forgotten refugee communities in the world. They face severe challenges, including food shortages, poor living conditions, and financial hardship. More recently, the prolonged flooding of the Fly River system has devastated West Papuan communities living along its edges. Roads have been washed out, villages flooded and food sources, such as vegtable gardens, destroyed.

Mercy Works is actively working in the Western Province of Papua New Guinea to improve the quality of life and living standards of the West Papuan refugees. More funding is needed to continue to deliver essential support.

“Mercy Works is committed to genuine partnerships and collaboration with like-minded organisations, such as UNHCR, to amplify our collective impact for marginalised communities,” said Sr. Sally.


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